EELAB.INFO is an open platform for people young and old to come together and put their creative and physical energies into bringing about change in their surroundings. You can join as:

Content Provider: Contribute your photographs, video or stories of how you are making a difference even if your friend,school, college or organization is making a difference we are interested in knowing and will try to put it up for others to see and take inspiration from.

Educator: You can design your presentation for your class, or RWA based on the multimedia support provided by the website. We can help you physically by coming and presenting case studies in the region of Delhi NCR.

Conservator: You can help by guiding the team on matters of conservation and plan activities in your region and we will contribute by highlighting them and building case studies on your experiences.

Storytellers: If you have local stories that will make great learning experience for others we welcome you and please write to us we will try to represent it in comic, multimedia or film form.


Please subscribe, if you want to get updates about the new resource materials added on to the website.


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